Our Store Setup
Our store is for the most part separated by genre, then by author, then by title. Sections without * are not in the above order but more by book size. Genres (sections) are:
- Anthologies romance (ANTHOL)
- Arts & Entertainment: Art, Music, Photography, TV, Movies (ARTS/ENTRTNMT)
- Biographies & Memoirs (BIO/MEM)*
- Business & Finance (BUS/$)
- Comics & Manga
- Contemporary Romance (ROM)*
- Cook Books & Dieting (CK BKS/DIET)
- Crafts & Stichery
- Erotica
- Gardening & Home Improvement
- General Fiction (F)*
- Historical Fiction (HIST FICT)*
- Historical Romance (HR)*
- Horror (H)*
- Humor
- Kids*
- Languages (LNG)
- Mystery, Suspense, Adventure (MYS/SUSP)*
- New Releases & Large Print (NR/LP)
- Non Fiction: History, Science, Philosophy (NF)
- Paranormal Romance (PR)*
- Parenting & Health (PARENT/HLTH)
- Regency Romance (Reg Rom)*
- Religions & Inspirational (REL/INSP)
- Romantic Suspense (ROM SUS)*
- Science Fiction & Fantasy (SF)*
- Self Help & Relationships & New Age (SH)
- Sports & Hobbies (SPORT/HOB)
- Teens*
- True Crime (TC)*
- Westerns*